Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) - Your client recommends grants based on their priorities, while keeping anonymity (if desired) and convenient access to fund and grant tracking, all at a significantly lower cost and with potentially greater tax benefits than establishing a private foundation.
Open a Donor-Advised Fund
To open a donor advised fund at the community foundation we will need the following documents completed and returned to the Foundation: DAF Application and DAF Agreement. If your client is opening a fund over $250,000 and you are interested in managing the assets through our Individually Managed Fund program please complete the following forms. If you have questions, please contact Rebecca Underwood
Donor Advised Funds - To be completed by advisor
Individually Managed Funds - To be completed by advisor
Legacy Planning prepares your client to create a philanthropic legacy that will meet the needs of our community far into the future—needs that may not even exist at this moment.
Legacy Planning
Understanding the experiences that shaped your clients' values is critically important to us, and we’ll work closely with them to ensure those values live on in the gifts you make. Creating a letter of instruction will serve to permanently guide the Foundation in honoring their intentions and achieving the impact they wish to have in perpetuity.
Available Investment Pools
Long-term Investment Pool
This Pool would be appropriate for donors who have a long-term objective and are comfortable with periodic volatility.
The Pool will be managed from a long-term perspective with a focus on above market risk-adjusted total return, current income to meet required distributions, and stability of principal. The Investment Consultant is expected to utilize tactical asset allocation strategies, when appropriate, to take advantage of cyclical trends in the capital markets. The overall approach to the portfolio will be dynamic, emphasizing good relative performance. Positive absolute returns are another investment objective.
Long-term Investment Pool
Short-term Investment Pool
This Pool would be appropriate for donors for whom capital preservation and current income are the primary objectives.
This Pool will be invested in short term Treasuries and securities issued by Federal agencies. The investment strategy is designed to generate current income with minimal principal volatility.
Short-term Investment Pool
Indexed Growth Pools
This Pool would be appropriate for donors who have a long-term objective, are comfortable with periodic volatility, but would prefer access to low cost index funds.
The Pool’s assets will be allocated in a diversified manner across multiple exchange traded funds (“ETFs”). The overall allocation to equities will remain fixed at approximately 75% of the Pool’s market value, with the balance invested in fixed income and cash (when appropriate). The overall objective is to achieve above market risk-adjusted total return, current income to meet required distributions, and stability of principal without active management.
Indexed Growth Pools
SRI Pools
SRI refers to “Socially Responsible Investing”. This pool would be appropriate for donors who have a long-term objective, are comfortable with periodic volatility, and seek to align their investments with certain values.
The Pool will be managed entirely with a SRI focus, using ESG (“Environmental, Social, & Governance”) metrics and other impact investing strategies, and from a long-term perspective with a focus on above market risk-adjusted total return, current income to meet required distributions, and stability of principal. The Investment Consultant is expected to utilize tactical asset allocation strategies, when appropriate to take advantage of cyclical trends in the capital markets. The overall approach to the portfolio will be dynamic, emphasizing good relative performance. Positive absolute returns are another investment objective.
SRI Pools
Individually Managed Funds (“IMF”) Program
Under CFGC’s IMF Program, donors have the option to retain the services of a preferred advisor for their fund. Assets would not be commingled with other donors.
Each IMF advisor/manager will be subject to approval, review, and ongoing monitoring by CFGC’s Investment Committee. Each IMF will be required to comply with CFGC’s Investment Policy. Generally, each IMF should be managed from a long-term perspective with a focus on above market risk-adjusted total return, current income to meet required distributions, and stability of principal. More information about this option is available upon request.
Individually Managed Funds (“IMF”) Program
Wiring Instructions
If you would like to contribute to one of our funds as a one-time or recurring gift, simply contact your bank or online banking and provide the following information.
Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga, Inc.
1400 Williams Street
Chattanooga, TN 37408
- Account NumberYou designate the fund you would like your contribution to go to.
- FrequencyYou decide.
- AmountYou decide.
If you have any questions, please give us a call at (423) 265-0586.
Make a lasting impact in Chattanooga
The Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga is excited to help you and your client get started on their charitable journey. We are ready to support your work as a professional advisor by giving you the options you need to make the best decision for your client, fostering lasting family relationships, and keeping you engaged and involved in the process.
If you are ready to help your client make a lasting impact in Chattanooga, please don’t hesitate to reach out.